Co-Authors (146)
Co-Authors are people in Profiles who have published together.
Red markers indicate the co-authors.
Blue lines connect people who
have published papers together.
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Address | Latitude | Longitude | Name(s) |
New York, United States | 40.7127753 | -74.0059728 | Geoffrey A Weinberg |
Amin Hakim |
Joshua D Milner |
Tallahassee, Florida, United States | 30.4382559 | -84.2807329 | Ivan Hung
Antwerp Belgium | 51.2194475 | 4.4024643 | Kirsten Maertens
Atlanta Georgia, United States | 33.7489954 | -84.3879824 | Aaron T Curns |
Agam K Rao |
Alice Y Guh |
Allison Lale |
Carlos Del Rio |
Dean D Erdman |
Duong T Nguyen |
Elaine Miller |
Evan J Anderson |
Frank DeStefano |
Isaac See |
Lindsay Kim |
Lyn Finelli |
Mila M Prill |
Seema Jain |
Stephen Lindstrom |
Suzanne F Beavers |
Theresa A Harrington |
Walter A Orenstein |
Aurora Colorado, United States | 39.7294319 | -104.8319195 | Daniel Olson
Australia Australia | -25.274398 | 133.775136 | John R Su
Baltimore Maryland, United States | 39.2903848 | -76.6121893 | Andrew Pekosz |
Anna P Durbin |
Kathleen M Neuzil |
Kawsar R Talaat |
Michael B Streiff |
Robert A Wood |
Sarah R Williams |
Shmuel Shoham |
Victor C Urrutia |
Belgium Belgium | 50.503887 | 4.469936 | Elke Leuridan
Bethesda Maryland, United States | 38.984652 | -77.0947092 | Narayan Nair
Birmingham Alabama, United States | 33.5185892 | -86.8103567 | Peter G Pappas
Boston Massachusetts, United States | 42.3600825 | -71.0588801 | Jonathan S Hausmann |
Lindsey R Baden |
Brazil Brazil | -14.235004 | -51.92528 | Denise Rossato Silva
Canada Canada | 56.130366 | -106.346771 | Rebecca L Morgan
Charlottesville Virginia, United States | 38.0293059 | -78.4766781 | William A Petri
Chicago Illinois, United States | 41.8781136 | -87.6297982 | Tina Q Tan |
William J Muller |
Cincinnati Ohio, United States | 39.1031182 | -84.5120196 | Kimberly A Risma |
Mary A Staat |
Cleveland Ohio, United States | 41.49932 | -81.6943605 | Adarsh Bhimraj |
Amy Hirsch Shumaker |
Yngve Falck-Ytter |
Decatur Georgia, United States | 33.7748275 | -84.2963123 | Nadine Rouphael
Diepenbeek Belgium | 50.91083 | 5.41336 | Niel Hens
Durham North Carolina, United States | 35.9940329 | -78.898619 | Amy Stallings |
Susanna Naggie |
Vance G Fowler |
Frankfurt Germany | 50.1109221 | 8.6821267 | Shreemanta K Parida
Geneva Switzerland | 46.2043907 | 6.1431577 | Justin R Ortiz
Genoa Italy | 44.4056499 | 8.946256 | Emanuele Pontali
Hannover Germany | 52.3758916 | 9.7320104 | Albert D M E Osterhaus
Hong Kong , China | 22.3193039 | 114.1693611 | Chi Chi Leung |
Vincent Chi-Chung Cheng |
Houston Texas, United States | 29.7604267 | -95.3698028 | Barbara E Murray |
Flor M Munoz |
Nathan A Serazin |
Patricia Bastero |
Pedro A Piedra |
Huntsville Alabama, United States | 34.7303688 | -86.5861037 | Claudia Gaviria-Agudelo
India India | 20.593684 | 78.96288 | Anand Kawade |
Manoj Kumar Das |
Italy Italy | 41.87194 | 12.56738 | Marcello Giuseppe Maggio
Kansas City Kansas, United States | 39.1155314 | -94.6267873 | Reem A Mustafa
La Jolla California, United States | 32.8328112 | -117.2712717 | Alessandro Sette |
Constance A Benson |
Robert T Schooley |
Lebanon Lebanon | 37.09024 | -95.712891 | Peter F Wright |
Alicia M Fry |
Andrew T Pavia |
C Buddy Creech |
Donna S Hummell |
Frederic F Little |
James D Chappell |
Janet A Englund |
Karen R Broder |
Mark J Mulligan |
Rajesh T Gandhi |
Susan I Gerber |
Thomas A Clark |
Tina V Hartert |
Tom T Shimabukuro |
London United Kingdom | 51.5073509 | -0.1277583 | Simon Nadel
Los Angeles California, United States | 34.0522342 | -118.2436849 | Peter G Szilagyi
Lugano Switzerland | 46.0036778 | 8.951052 | Lia D\'Ambrosio
Manchester United Kingdom | 53.4807593 | -2.2426305 | Nikolaos G Papadopoulos
Milan Italy | 45.4642035 | 9.189982 | Nicola Principi
Minneapolis Minnesota, United States | 44.977753 | -93.2650108 | Shahnaz Sultan
Nashville Tennessee, United States | 36.1626638 | -86.7816016 | Carlos G Grijalva |
Derek J Williams |
H Keipp Talbot |
James E Crowe |
Jonathan E Schmitz |
Kathryn M Edwards |
Laura S Stewart |
Lauren G Mauer |
Marie R Griffin |
Natasha B Halasa |
Rendie McHenry |
Ritu Banerjee |
Shannon C Walker |
Sophie E Katz |
Wesley H Self |
William D Dupont |
William Schaffner |
Yuwei Zhu |
Allison P Wheeler |
New Haven Connecticut, United States | 41.308274 | -72.9278835 | Saad B Omer
Parma Italy | 44.801485 | 10.3279036 | Fulvio Lauretani |
Nicola Sverzellati |
Philadelphia Pennsylvania, United States | 39.9525839 | -75.1652215 | David A Pegues
Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, United States | 40.4406248 | -79.9958864 | John V Williams
Queensland Australia | -20.9175738 | 142.7027956 | David L Paterson
Rochester Minnesota, United States | 44.0121221 | -92.4801989 | John C O\'Horo |
M Hassan Murad |
Robin Patel |
Salerno Italy | 43.1107168 | 12.3908279 | Susanna Esposito
Santiago Chile | -33.4488897 | -70.6692655 | Juan Pablo Torres-Torreti |
Miguel O\'Ryan |
Sassari Italy | 40.7259269 | 8.5556826 | Giovanni Sotgiu
Seattle Washington, United States | 47.6062095 | -122.3320708 | Ajit P Limaye |
David N Fredricks |
Ferric C Fang |
Seoul South Korea | 37.566535 | 126.9779692 | T Anh Wartel
Silver Spring Maryland, United States | 38.9906657 | -77.026088 | Adamma Mba-Jonas |
Emily Jane Woo |
Slovenia Slovenia | 46.151241 | 14.995463 | Maja Šubelj
Spain Spain | 40.463667 | -3.74922 | Antoni Torres
Sydney Australia | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | Jan-Willem Alffenaar
TAS Australia | -41.4545196 | 145.9706647 | Katie L Flanagan
The Netherlands | 52.132633 | 5.291266 | Anne-Grete Märtson |
Hubert G M Niesters |
Sonali Kochhar |
Tradate Italy | 45.7115434 | 8.907067 | Antonio Spanevello |
Dina Visca |
Rosella Centis |
United Kingdom United Kingdom | 55.378051 | -3.435973 | Bassey Edem
Vancouver British Columbia, Canada | 49.2827291 | -123.1207375 | Bahaa Abu-Raya |
Valery Lavergne |
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