Toyoaki Sawano

Co-Authors (73)

Co-Authors are people in Profiles who have published together.
This cluster graph shows the co-authors (green circles) and top co-authors of co-authors (blue circles) of Toyoaki Sawano (red circle). The size of a circle is proportional to the number of publications that author has. The thickness of a line connecting two authors' names is proportional to the number of publications that they share. Options for customizing this network view are listed below the graph.
Ahmad TDhakal RAl-Tawfiq JMiyatake HSánchez-Duque JHarapan HMuñoz-Lara FAlvarado-Socarras JChoudhary OKosaka MMalik YDíaz-Guio DHenriquez-Marquez KKim YHiroaki SSonoda YKawamura TSchlagenhauf PNeupane PKono KPathak MVory SIto SChea SLim SKawamura TPecho-Silva SCardona-Ospina JVillamil-Gómez WKami MSharun KEsposito SEsposito SCimerman SDíaz-Guio DOrtiz-Martínez YPatel SEscalera-Antezana JTiwari RKodama TOhtake TZambrano LOhsawa YNit BPaniz-Mondolfi ABonilla-Aldana DRoy NArteaga-Livias KRabaan AUr Rahman MFathah ZCasalone CKawamoto ASenoo YSaito HSaito HKitajima MSorano SKatayama KOno KYasutaka TFujii KOkuda TSaito MAbe TMiura FNaito WIwasaki YQaderi SSigdel SAcuti Martellucci CWafaee MYousefi ADelsoz MRamozi ARoien RReza Hosseini SPourhaji FPourhaji FDelshad MObara DZhao TNishikawa YShrestha SMontenegro-Idrogo JDhama KKotera YNomura STanimoto TOzaki AMartellucci CTanimoto TMurayama AOzaki AKotera YTani YYamamoto KTsuchiya THori AImoto SMurakami MBhandari DMousavi SIto NNonaka SWang JMurayama AShimazu YHiguchi ANishikawa YKobashi YSah RHashimoto TRodriguez-Morales AWang JSah RTanimoto TOzaki ATsubokura MSawano T
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Sawano's Networks
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Concepts (149)
Co-Authors (73)
Similar People (60)