Co-Authors (104)
Co-Authors are people in Profiles who have published together.
Red markers indicate the co-authors.
Blue lines connect people who
have published papers together.
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Address | Latitude | Longitude | Name(s) |
Ann Arbor Michigan, United States | 42.2808256 | -83.7430378 | James Brian Byrd
Antwerp Belgium | 51.2194475 | 4.4024643 | Daniel Abramowicz
Baltimore Maryland, United States | 39.2903848 | -76.6121893 | Paul A Welling
Barcelona Spain | 41.3850639 | 2.1734035 | Alejandra Gabaldón |
Daniel Serón |
Irina Torres |
Joan Torras |
Juan León Román |
Julio Pascual |
Laura Martinez Valenzuela |
María José Soler |
Marta Crespo |
Marta Riera |
Nestor Toapanta |
Oriol Bestard |
Pamela Domínguez-Báez |
Roser Solans |
Roxana Bury |
Vanesa Palau |
Berkshire United Kingdom | 51.4669939 | -1.1853677 | Oliver Flossmann
Bethesda Maryland, United States | 38.984652 | -77.0947092 | Meryl Waldman |
Ninet Sinaii |
Bologna Italy | 44.494887 | 11.3426162 | Claudia Bini |
Gaetano La Manna |
Giorgia Comai |
Charlottesville Virginia, United States | 38.0293059 | -78.4766781 | Sundar Swaminathan |
Sundararaman Swaminathan |
Chicago Illinois, United States | 41.8781136 | -87.6297982 | Daniel Batlle |
Enrique Lores |
Jan Wysocki |
Minghao Ye |
CIBER-CV Spain | 40.7092496 | -74.0101971 | Begoña Benito
Colombia Colombia | 4.570868 | -74.297333 | Andrés Villegas
Cyprus Cyprus | 35.126413 | 33.429859 | Emily Petridou
Durham North Carolina, United States | 35.9940329 | -78.898619 | Matthew A Sparks
Glasgow United Kingdom | 55.864237 | -4.251806 | Colin Geddes
Guadalajara Spain | 40.632489 | -3.16017 | Gabriel de Arriba
Iasi Romania | 47.1584549 | 27.6014418 | Adrian Covic
Ireland Ireland | 53.1423672 | -7.6920536 | Colin White |
Kathryn Stevens |
Istanbul Turkey | 41.0082376 | 28.9783589 | Mehmet Kanbay
Italy Italy | 41.87194 | 12.56738 | Carlo Basile
Leiden Netherlands | 52.1601144 | 4.4970097 | Marjolijn van Buren
London United Kingdom | 51.5073509 | -0.1277583 | Laurie Tomlinson |
Liz Lightstone |
Megan Griffith |
Tabitha Turner-Stokes |
Madrid Spain | 40.4167754 | -3.7037902 | Alberto Ortiz |
Amir Shabaka |
Eduardo Gutiérrez |
Enrique Morales |
Inés Aragoncillo |
Mexico Mexico | 23.634501 | -102.552784 | Armando J Martinez-Rueda |
Jose A Niño-Cruz |
Minneapolis Minnesota, United States | 44.977753 | -93.2650108 | Michelle N Rheault
Nashville Tennessee, United States | 36.1626638 | -86.7816016 | J Matt Luther
Netherlands Netherlands | 52.132633 | 5.291266 | Ronald Gansevoort |
Marlies Noordzij |
New York New York, United States | 40.7127753 | -74.0059728 | Kelly L Budge |
Paolo Cravedi |
Raphaël Duivenvoorden |
Ottawa Ontario, Canada | 45.4215296 | -75.6971931 | Swapnil Hiremath
Pamplona Spain | 42.812526 | -1.6457745 | Joaquin Manrique |
Maria F Slon |
Paris France | 48.856614 | 2.3522219 | Ziad A Massy
Parma Italy | 44.801485 | 10.3279036 | Chiara Cantarelli |
Enrico Fiaccadori |
Marco Delsante |
Philadelphia Pennsylvania, United States | 39.9525839 | -75.1652215 | Jordana B Cohen
Spain Spain | 40.463667 | -3.74922 | Ander Vergara |
Beatriz Fernandez-Fernandez |
Cinthia Baldallo |
Clara García-Carro |
Conxita Jacobs-Cachá |
Emilio Sanchez |
Irene Agraz |
Jose Luis Gorriz |
José Zúñiga |
Juan Carlos León Román |
Juan LeónRomán |
Juan León-Román |
Luis Sánchez-Cámara |
Manuel Macia Heras |
María Azancot |
María Carmen Ruiz |
María Dolores Del Pino Y Pino |
Mercedes Salgueira Lazo |
Mireia Molina-Van den Bosch |
Natalia Ramos |
Néstor Toapanta |
Patricia de Sequera |
Sergio Luis-Lima |
Sheila Bermejo |
Silvia Benito |
Zaira Castañeda |
Stanford California, United States | 37.424106 | -122.1660756 | Vivek Bhalla
Tenerife Spain | 28.2915637 | -16.6291304 | Esteban Porrini
the Netherlands | 37.09024 | -95.712891 | Priya Vart
Thessaloniki Greece | 40.6400629 | 22.9444191 | Pantelis Sarafidis
Valencia Spain | 39.4699075 | -0.3762881 | Elena Gimenez-Civera |
Luis D\'Marco |
Maria Jesús Puchades |
María Romero-Parra |
Victoria Australia | -37.4713077 | 144.7851531 | Louise M Burrell
Winston Salem North Carolina, United States | 36.0998596 | -80.244216 | Andrew M South
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