Masaharu Tsubokura

Co-Authors (52)

Co-Authors are people in Profiles who have published together.
This cluster graph shows the co-authors (green circles) and top co-authors of co-authors (blue circles) of Masaharu Tsubokura (red circle). The size of a circle is proportional to the number of publications that author has. The thickness of a line connecting two authors' names is proportional to the number of publications that they share. Options for customizing this network view are listed below the graph.
Delshad MWafaee MAcuti Martellucci CQaderi SMontenegro-Idrogo JRoy NRabaan AEjima KTaniguchi TNishiura HTsunetoshi CMatsuura KUryu SHarada NDhama KKunishima HHasegawa NMakiyama KKawamura YTodo KSaito HMishra SAdhikari BLi WJiang QGiri ATachibana KUeda MVirani SZhu DBeniya HShibuya KHan SDhakal RShrestha STanimoto TOzaki AMiyatake HMartellucci CTanimoto TMurayama AOzaki AKotera YTani YYamamoto KMousavi SSigdel SShimizu KKosaka MWang JMurayama AShi SSakamoto HKami MKotera YBhandari DTanoue YKawashima TEguchi ASah RYoneoka DOhtake TRodriguez-Morales AHashizume MWang JSah RMiyata HCook JMoriya HMatsuzaki YBhandari DNaito WIwasaki YAbe TKatayama KSaito MOno KYasutaka TFujii KOkuda TMiura FKitajima MSorano SKawaoka YGilmour STakebayashi YKim YHiroaki SSonoda YTsuchiya THashimoto TSaito HKawamura TKono KNeupane PImoto SMurakami MVory SIto SChea SLim SNishikawa YKawamura TNonaka SIto NHiguchi ATanimoto TKodama TZhao TObara DNishikawa YOhsawa YNit BHori ANomura SShimazu YKobashi YOzaki ASawano TTsubokura M
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Concepts (276)
Co-Authors (52)
Similar People (60)