Jonas Ludvigsson

Co-Authors (67)

Co-Authors are people in Profiles who have published together.
This radial graph shows the co-authors (inner ring) and top co-authors of co-authors (outer ring) of Jonas Ludvigsson. The size of the red circle around an author's name is proportional to the number of publications that he or she has. The thickness of a line connecting two authors' names is proportional to the number of publications that they share. Options for customizing this network view are listed below the graph.
Hober DHober DIlonen JIlonen Jvon Herrath Mvon Herrath MSkyler JSkyler JNorman MNorman MBousquet JBousquet JValiulis AValiulis AWang RWang RNobel YNobel YFreedberg DFreedberg DLarsson ELarsson EMårtensson JMårtensson JByström EByström EDoyle JDoyle JHalfvarson JHalfvarson JBernstein EBernstein EAxelrad JAxelrad JBlackett JBlackett JRajan ARajan AAnnadurai VAnnadurai VMahadev SMahadev SAhlberg MAhlberg MNeovius MNeovius MSöderling JSöderling JStephansson OStephansson OInes Pinto-Sanchez MInes Pinto-Sanchez MLaszkowska MLaszkowska MFaye AFaye ATruong HTruong HSilver ESilver EIngram MIngram MMay BMay BZucker JZucker JFreedberg DFreedberg DSobieszczyk MSobieszczyk MLudvigsson JLudvigsson JCraig MCraig MBuschard KBuschard KGiles JGiles JHur CHur CMurray JMurray JWhittier SWhittier Sde-Madaria Ede-Madaria ECiacci CCiacci CLebwohl BLebwohl BSharaiha RSharaiha RSattar NSattar NLochhead PLochhead PKhalili HKhalili HZingone FZingone FGisslén MGisslén MZheng TZheng TD'Amato MD'Amato MWright JWright JKaplan GKaplan GUnderwood FUnderwood FVerna EVerna EWalker AWalker AGoldacre BGoldacre BLee KLee KKrigel AKrigel AKrishnareddy SKrishnareddy SZhen JZhen JStefanolo JStefanolo JHuguet MHuguet MNiveloni SNiveloni STrucco ETrucco ELopez VLopez VOlano COlano CMansueto PMansueto PCarroccio ACarroccio ASengpiel VSengpiel VVerdu EVerdu EBlackett JBlackett JGreen PGreen PNordenhäll CNordenhäll CFlam BFlam BWintzell VWintzell VPasternak BPasternak BHagberg EHagberg ERosengren ARosengren ARawshani ARawshani ALeslie DLeslie DEngerström LEngerström LMunch AMunch ASjoberg KSjoberg KAlmer SAlmer SVigren LVigren LJanczewska IJanczewska IOhlsson BOhlsson BBresso FBresso FMellander MMellander MOlén OOlén ORoelstraete BRoelstraete BFranke AFranke ASimon TSimon TNaver LNaver LMallone RMallone RCilio CCilio CMcGeoch JMcGeoch JSchneider DSchneider DFlodström Tullberg MFlodström Tullberg MRawshani ARawshani AKjölhede EKjölhede EEeg-Olofsson KEeg-Olofsson KLindh MLindh MLappas GLappas GEliasson BEliasson BAdiels MAdiels MHusby SHusby SMcKenney AMcKenney AKim JKim JUche-Anya EUche-Anya ETye-Din JTye-Din JBai JBai JPinto-Sanchez MPinto-Sanchez MHervius Askling HHervius Askling HAronsson BAronsson BJonsson JJonsson JHåkansson SHåkansson S
Minimum number of publications Minimum number of co-publications Year of most recent co-publication
any number any collaboration any year
Use the sliders to 1) hide authors who have fewer than the selected minimum number of publications, 2) hide lines that represent fewer than the selected minimum number of co-publications, or 3) hide lines that represent co-publications that were written before the selected year. Click the name of any author to re-center the graph on that person. Ctrl-click a name to view that person's network of co-authors. Alt-click a name to view that person's full profile. Shift-click a name to highlight the mutual co-authorships of that person's co-authors.

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Concepts (474)
Co-Authors (67)
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