Co-Authors (216)
Co-Authors are people in Profiles who have published together.
Red markers indicate the co-authors.
Blue lines connect people who
have published papers together.
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Address | Latitude | Longitude | Name(s) |
94805 France | 37.9383242 | -122.3277578 | Nathalie Lassau |
Aurélien Marabelle |
Alexandria Virginia, United States | 38.8048355 | -77.0469214 | Richard L Schilsky |
Terry Gilmore |
Vanessa Eaton |
Ann Arbor Michigan, United States | 42.2808256 | -83.7430378 | Lori Pierce
Athens Greece | 37.9838096 | 23.7275388 | Konstantinos Syrigos
Bahia Brazil | -12.579738 | -41.7007272 | Clarissa Mathias
Baltimore Maryland, United States | 39.2903848 | -76.6121893 | Elizabeth M Jaffee |
Gypsyamber D\'Souza |
Barcelona Spain | 41.3850639 | 2.1734035 | Alejandro Piris-Giménez |
Elena Garralda |
Jordi Rodon |
Josep Tabernero |
Bordeaux France | 44.837789 | -0.57918 | Francois-Xavier Mahon
Brazil Brazil | -14.235004 | -51.92528 | Angélica Nogueira-Rodrigues
Caen France | 49.182863 | -0.370679 | G Thomas |
M A Mahe |
Cambridge United Kingdom | 52.205337 | 0.121817 | Carlos Caldas |
Charlotte E Coles |
Kenneth Seamon |
Canada Canada | 56.130366 | -106.346771 | Lillian L Siu
Clermont-Ferrand France | 45.777222 | 3.087025 | Frédérique Penault-Llorca
Créteil France | 48.790367 | 2.455572 | Abdelhakim Ahmed-Belkacem
Dijon France | 46.227638 | 2.213749 | Charles Coutant |
J Gentil |
A Jaffré |
Anas Gazzah |
Annabelle Stoclin |
Aymeric Silvin |
Christophe Willekens |
Damien Drubay |
Delphine Bredel |
Delphine Cantin |
Eric Deutsch |
F Pommeret |
Fabrice André |
Garett Dunsmore |
Jean-Pierre Delord |
Lydia Meziani |
Marie-Pierre Revel |
Pierre Fumoleau |
R De Crevoisier |
Stefan Michiels |
Thierry Conroy |
Xavier Mariette |
Alain Roulet |
Benjamin Lelouvier |
Claire Cropet |
F Gomez |
Souad Assaad |
C Lemoine |
Pierre Viens |
Stéphanie Gentile |
H Mathieu-Daude |
M Ychou |
Arsène Mekinian |
B Le Vu |
N Ibrahimi |
P H Cournède |
S Beaupere |
S Boucher |
S Francis |
V Ribrag |
Nadia Saïdani |
A Bayle |
Anne Florin |
Antoine Hollebecque |
Arthur Geraud |
Carolina Alves Costa Silva |
Caroline Flament |
Cassandra Thelemaque |
Daphné Morel |
Emeline Colomba |
Eugenie Pizzato |
Fanny Aprahamian |
Francois-Xavier Danlos |
Frank Griscelli |
Gabriel Garcia |
Lea Touri |
Loic Verlingue |
Marine Mazzenga |
Marion Picard |
Mihaela Aldea |
Patricia Martin-Romano |
Rastilav Bahleda |
Safae Terrisse |
Stéphane Champiat |
T Hueso |
Yacine Haddad |
Gifu Japan | 35.4234226 | 136.7606217 | Kazuhiro Yoshida
Grosshansdorf Germany | 53.651326 | 10.2730016 | Martin Reck
Heidelberg Germany | 49.3987524 | 8.6724335 | Dirk Jäger |
Dirk Jäger |
Michael Baumann |
Michael Baumann |
Stefan Fröhling |
Hong Kong Hong Kong | 22.3193039 | 114.1693611 | Stephen L Chan
Houston Texas, United States | 29.7604267 | -95.3698028 | Timothy A Yap
Italy Italy | 41.87194 | 12.56738 | Cesare Gridelli
Lausanne Switzerland | 46.5196535 | 6.6322734 | Solange Peters
Lille France | 50.62925 | 3.057256 | Eric Lartigau
Lisbon Portugal | 38.7222524 | -9.1393366 | Markus Maeurer
London United Kingdom | 51.5073509 | -0.1277583 | Johann S de Bono
Los Angeles California, United States | 34.0522342 | -118.2436849 | Antoni Ribas |
Katie M Campbell |
Lyon France | 45.764043 | 4.835659 | Jean-Yves Blay |
Sylvie Chabaud |
Madrid Spain | 40.4167754 | -3.7037902 | Alvaro Rogado |
Emiliano Calvo |
Jesus Garcia-Foncillas |
Marseille France | 43.296482 | 5.36978 | Bernard La Scola |
Didier Raoult |
Fabrice Barlesi |
Sébastien Cortaredona |
Milan Italy | 45.4642035 | 9.189982 | Filippo de Braud |
Filippo de Braud |
Franco Valenza |
Giovanni Apolone |
Giuseppe Curigliano |
Montreal Quebec, Canada | 45.5016889 | -73.567256 | Arielle Elkrief |
Suzanne Kazandjian |
Nantes France | 47.218371 | -1.553621 | Mario Campone
Nashville Tennessee, United States | 36.1626638 | -86.7816016 | Jeremy L Warner |
Leora Horn |
Natalie R Dickson |
New Haven Connecticut, United States | 41.308274 | -72.9278835 | Patricia M LoRusso
New York New York, United States | 40.7127753 | -74.0059728 | Miriam Merad |
Naiyer Rizvi |
Nice France | 43.7101728 | 7.2619532 | Emmanuel Barranger |
Olivier Guérin |
Oxford United Kingdom | 51.7520209 | -1.2577263 | David J Kerr
Paris France | 48.856614 | 2.3522219 | Alexis Mathian |
Corinne Balleyguier |
David Perol |
Flore Rozenberg |
Françoise Levavasseur |
Frédéric Pène |
Georges Jourdi |
Guido Kroemer |
Guy Gorochov |
Jérôme Duchemin |
Luc Mouthon |
Makoto Miyara |
Michaela Fontenay |
Syrine Ellouze |
Tali-Anne Szwebel |
Zahir Amoura |
Philadelphia Pennsylvania, United States | 39.9525839 | -75.1652215 | E John Wherry |
Rajarshi Sengupta |
Sayyed Kaleem Zaidi |
Trevan Locke |
Reims France | 49.258329 | 4.031696 | Yacine Merrouche
Riyadh Saudi Arabia | 24.7135517 | 46.6752957 | Abdul Rahman Jazieh
Rome Italy | 41.9027835 | 12.4963655 | Giuseppe Ippolito
Rouen France | 49.443232 | 1.099971 | P Vera |
T Vermeulin |
Shanghai , China | 31.230416 | 121.473701 | Florent Ginhoux
Siena Italy | 43.318809 | 11.3307574 | Alessia Covre |
Anna M Di Giacomo |
Luana Calabrò |
Maresa Altomonte |
Michele Maio |
Virginia Vegni |
South Korea South Korea | 35.907757 | 127.766922 | Jeeyun Lee
Stockholm Sweden | 59.3293235 | 18.0685808 | Ingemar Ernberg |
Jonas Bergh |
Luigi De Petris |
Strasbourg France | 48.5734053 | 7.7521113 | Xavier Pivot
Suresnes France | 48.869798 | 2.219033 | Félix Ackerman |
Florian Scotté |
Julien Rohmer |
Marc Vasse |
Mathilde Roumier |
Sutton United Kingdom | 51.3614279 | -0.193961 | Udai Banerji
Taipei Taiwan | 25.0329694 | 121.5654177 | Chong Yu
the Netherlands | 52.132633 | 5.291266 | Emile E Voest |
Joris van de Haar |
Louisa R Hoes |
Martijn P Lolkema |
Toulouse France | 43.604652 | 1.444209 | Adeline Debreuve-Theresette
United Kingdom United Kingdom | 55.378051 | -3.435973 | Ruth Plummer |
Sophie Postel-Vinay |
United States United States | 37.09024 | -95.712891 | John M Carethers
Villejuif France | 48.792716 | 2.359279 | Agathe Dubuisson |
Allan Sauvat |
Anne-Gaëlle Goubet |
Arnaud Bayle |
Benjamin Besse |
Bertrand Gachot |
Bertrand Routy |
Capucine Baldini |
Caroline Pradon |
Christophe Massard |
Claudia Grajeda-Iglesias |
Cléa Melenotte |
Emmanuelle Gallois |
Eric Solary |
Etienne Minvielle |
Fanny Pommeret |
François-Xavier Danlos |
Giulia Baciarello |
Gladys Ferrere |
Imran Lahmar |
Jean-Charles Soria |
Jean-Eudes Fahrner |
Jean-Marie Michot |
Laurence Albiges |
Laurence Zitvogel |
Lisa Derosa |
Nitharsshini Nirmalathasan |
Oliver Kepp |
Olivier Mir |
Pierre Ly |
Séverine Mouraud |
Stéphanie Foulon |
Sylvère Durand |
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