Murat Yildirim

InstitutionAgri Ibrahim Çeçen University
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    Publication Timeline
    COVID-19 publications
    Bar chart showing 17 Covid-19 publications, with a maximum of 3 publications in January 2021
    All Publications
    Bar chart showing 16 publications over 2 distinct years, with a maximum of 8 publications in 2020 and 2021
    These graphs show COVID-19 publications by month since August 2019 and all publications written by authors of COVID-19 publications over the past 30 years.

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    Publication Field Summary
    This graph shows the number and percent of publications by field. Fields are based on how the National Library of Medicine (NLM) classifies the publications' journals and might not represent the specific topics of the publications. Note that an individual publication can be assigned to more than one field. As a result, the publication counts in this graph might add up to more than the number of publications the person has written. To see the data as text, click here.
    Publication List
    Publications listed below are automatically derived from MEDLINE/PubMed and other sources, which might result in incorrect or missing publications.
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    PMC Citations indicate the number of times the publication was cited by articles in PubMed Central, and the Altmetric score represents citations in news articles and social media. (Note that publications are often cited in additional ways that are not shown here.) Fields are based on how the National Library of Medicine (NLM) classifies the publication's journal and might not represent the specific topic of the publication. Translation tags are based on the publication type and the MeSH terms NLM assigns to the publication. Some publications (especially newer ones and publications not in PubMed) might not yet be assigned Field or Translation tags.) Click a Field or Translation tag to filter the publications.
    1. Yildirim M, Çiçek I. Optimism and pessimism mediate the association between parental coronavirus anxiety and depression among healthcare professionals in the era of COVID-19. Psychol Health Med. 2021 Aug 12; 1-9. PMID: 34382894.
      Citations:    Fields:    
    2. Yildirim M, Kizilgeçit M, Seçer I, Karabulut F, Angin Y, Dagci A, Vural ME, Bayram NN, Çinici M. Correction to: Meaning in Life, Religious Coping, and Loneliness During the Coronavirus Health Crisis in Turkey. J Relig Health. 2021 Aug; 60(4):2386. PMID: 33515389.
      Citations: 1     Fields:    
    3. Yildirim M, Çiçek I, Sanli ME. Coronavirus stress and COVID-19 burnout among healthcare staffs: The mediating role of optimism and social connectedness. Curr Psychol. 2021; 40(11):5763-5771. PMID: 33935470.
      Citations: 7     
    4. Yildirim M, Özaslan A. Worry, Severity, Controllability, and Preventive Behaviours of COVID-19 and Their Associations with Mental Health of Turkish Healthcare Workers Working at a Pandemic Hospital. Int J Ment Health Addict. 2021 Mar 03; 1-15. PMID: 33686345.
      Citations: 8     
    5. Yildirim M, Arslan G, Alkahtani AM. Do fear of COVID-19 and religious coping predict depression, anxiety, and stress among the Arab population during health crisis? Death Stud. 2021 Feb 08; 1-7. PMID: 33555985.
      Citations: 5     Fields:    
    6. Yildirim M, Akgül Ö, Geçer E. The Effect of COVID-19 Anxiety on General Health: the Role of COVID-19 Coping. Int J Ment Health Addict. 2021 Jan 11; 1-12. PMID: 33456406.
      Citations: 5     
    7. Yildirim M, Özaslan A, Arslan G. Perceived risk and parental coronavirus anxiety in healthcare workers: a moderated mediation role of coronavirus fear and mental well-being. Psychol Health Med. 2021 Jan 07; 1-12. PMID: 33410335.
      Citations: 7     Fields:    
    8. Yildirim M, Kizilgeçit M, Seçer I, Karabulut F, Angin Y, Dagci A, Vural ME, Bayram NN, Çinici M. Meaning in Life, Religious Coping, and Loneliness During the Coronavirus Health Crisis in Turkey. J Relig Health. 2021 Aug; 60(4):2371-2385. PMID: 33403603.
      Citations: 6     Fields:    Translation:HumansPHPublic Health
    9. Yildirim M, Arslan G, Özaslan A. Perceived Risk and Mental Health Problems among Healthcare Professionals during COVID-19 Pandemic: Exploring the Mediating Effects of Resilience and Coronavirus Fear. Int J Ment Health Addict. 2020 Nov 16; 1-11. PMID: 33223977.
      Citations: 36     
    10. Yildirim M, Arslan G. Exploring the associations between resilience, dispositional hope, preventive behaviours, subjective well-being, and psychological health among adults during early stage of COVID-19. Curr Psychol. 2020 Nov 14; 1-11. PMID: 33223782.
      Citations: 31     
    11. Geçer E, Yildirim M, Akgül Ö. Sources of information in times of health crisis: evidence from Turkey during COVID-19. Z Gesundh Wiss. 2020 Oct 13; 1-7. PMID: 33072495.
      Citations: 5     
    12. Arslan G, Yildirim M, Aytaç M. Subjective vitality and loneliness explain how coronavirus anxiety increases rumination among college students. Death Stud. 2020 Sep 30; 1-10. PMID: 32998663.
      Citations: 11     Fields:    
    13. Yildirim M, Solmaz F. COVID-19 burnout, COVID-19 stress and resilience: Initial psychometric properties of COVID-19 Burnout Scale. Death Stud. 2022; 46(3):524-532. PMID: 32915702.
      Citations: 27     Fields:    
    14. Yildirim M, Güler A. COVID-19 severity, self-efficacy, knowledge, preventive behaviors, and mental health in Turkey. Death Stud. 2020 Jul 16; 1-8. PMID: 32673183.
      Citations: 45     Fields:    
    15. Yildirim M, Güler A. Factor analysis of the COVID-19 Perceived Risk Scale: A preliminary study. Death Stud. 2020 Jun 25; 1-8. PMID: 32584201.
      Citations: 26     Fields:    
    16. Yildirim M, Geçer E, Akgül Ö. The impacts of vulnerability, perceived risk, and fear on preventive behaviours against COVID-19. Psychol Health Med. 2021 01; 26(1):35-43. PMID: 32490689.
      Citations: 70     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    17. Yildirim M, Arslan G, Aziz IA. Why Do People High in COVID-19 Worry Have More Mental Health Disorders? The Roles of Resilience and Meaning in Life. Psychiatr Danub. 2020 Autumn - Winter; 32(3-4):505-512. PMID: 33370760.
      Citations: 3     Fields:    Translation:Humans
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