Simone Saibeni

Co-Authors (113)

Co-Authors are people in Profiles who have published together.
The timeline below shows the dates (blue tick marks) of publications Simone Saibeni co-authored with other people in Profiles. The average publication date for each co-author is shown as a red circle, illustrating changes in the people that Simone Saibeni has worked with over time.
Gianpiero Manes, 13 publications between 2017 and 2021, average publication date June 2019. Alessandro Armuzzi, 6 publications between 2017 and 2020, average publication date July 2019. Cristina Bezzio, 20 publications between 2017 and 2021, average publication date August 2019. Flavio Caprioli, 6 publications between 2017 and 2021, average publication date November 2019. Gionata Fiorino, 4 publications between 2019 and 2020, average publication date June 2020. Alessandra Soriano, 3 publications between 2020 and 2020, average publication date August 2020. Davide Ribaldone, 3 publications between 2020 and 2020, average publication date August 2020. Fabrizio Bossa, 3 publications between 2020 and 2020, average publication date August 2020. Mariangela Allocca, 3 publications between 2020 and 2020, average publication date August 2020. Alessandro Sartini, 3 publications between 2020 and 2020, average publication date August 2020. Laurino Grossi, 3 publications between 2020 and 2020, average publication date August 2020. Viviana Gerardi, 3 publications between 2020 and 2020, average publication date August 2020. Marta Ascolani, 3 publications between 2020 and 2020, average publication date August 2020. Lucienne Pellegrini, 4 publications between 2020 and 2021, average publication date September 2020. Luca Pastorelli, 4 publications between 2020 and 2021, average publication date October 2020. Mario Schettino, 3 publications between 2020 and 2021, average publication date November 2020. Valentina Casini, 4 publications between 2020 and 2021, average publication date November 2020. Claudio Cortelezzi, 4 publications between 2020 and 2021, average publication date November 2020. Giovanni Maconi, 2 publications between 2020 and 2021, average publication date March 2021. Sandro Ardizzone, 2 publications between 2020 and 2021, average publication date March 2021.

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Concepts (150)
Co-Authors (113)
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