Sarah Hoosdally

Co-Authors (171)

Co-Authors are people in Profiles who have published together.
The timeline below shows the dates (blue tick marks) of publications Sarah Hoosdally co-authored with other people in Profiles. The average publication date for each co-author is shown as a red circle, illustrating changes in the people that Sarah Hoosdally has worked with over time.
Monique Andersson, 4 publications between 2020 and 2021, average publication date November 2020. Gavin Screaton, 7 publications between 2020 and 2021, average publication date January 2021. Tim James, 7 publications between 2020 and 2021, average publication date January 2021. Sheila Lumley, 8 publications between 2020 and 2021, average publication date February 2021. Katie Jeffery, 9 publications between 2020 and 2021, average publication date February 2021. Stephanie Hatch, 6 publications between 2020 and 2021, average publication date February 2021. Daniel Ebner, 6 publications between 2020 and 2021, average publication date February 2021. Stuart Cox, 6 publications between 2020 and 2021, average publication date February 2021. David Eyre, 10 publications between 2020 and 2021, average publication date March 2021. Nicole Stoesser, 11 publications between 2020 and 2021, average publication date March 2021. Philippa Matthews, 11 publications between 2020 and 2021, average publication date March 2021. Derrick Crook, 11 publications between 2020 and 2021, average publication date March 2021. Alison Howarth, 7 publications between 2020 and 2021, average publication date March 2021. Brian Marsden, 7 publications between 2020 and 2021, average publication date March 2021. David Stuart, 7 publications between 2020 and 2021, average publication date March 2021. Denise O'Donnell, 7 publications between 2020 and 2021, average publication date April 2021. Timothy Walker, 6 publications between 2020 and 2021, average publication date April 2021. Tim Peto, 7 publications between 2020 and 2021, average publication date May 2021. A Walker, 5 publications between 2020 and 2021, average publication date May 2021. Koen Pouwels, 5 publications between 2020 and 2021, average publication date May 2021.

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Concepts (59)
Co-Authors (171)
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