Charles Gerba

Co-Authors (114)

Co-Authors are people in Profiles who have published together.
This cluster graph shows the co-authors (green circles) and top co-authors of co-authors (blue circles) of Charles Gerba (red circle). The size of a circle is proportional to the number of publications that author has. The thickness of a line connecting two authors' names is proportional to the number of publications that they share. Options for customizing this network view are listed below the graph.
Azad GPizzol DAdadi PAbd El-Aziz TKandimalla RAljabali ASerrano-Aroca ÁMunster VUhal BTambuwala MMcMinn BGathercole AThakali OMalla BAw TSchmitz BWard LShahin SKumar MSano DZhu YImoto SMurakami MLundstrom KUversky VSeyran MHassan SKorajkic ATandukar SSmith WThomas KSymonds EVerhagen RBertsch PGyawali PBrufsky ASimpson SMiura FOmori RStadler LSmith APickering Avan der Voorn TThomas KZhu KLa Rosa GKumar MMalpei FSánchez GBeen FMedema GJones DWigginton KBhattacharya PKuroda KPerkins TMueller JFarkas KPeccia JGirones RAlm ECosta FBrisolara KFitzmorris KSmith JHarris DPogreba Brown KSprissler RTapia-Tussell RMoreno-Valenzuela OAlzate-Gaviria LCarrillo-Jovel VAbraham AHaramoto ECarducci AAhmed WOlabode LBabatola AGary LSwift JSchaefer SMunakata NKester GFoster AStark EPrasek SInnes GBastian RReimers RSobsey MScott EMaillard JBivins AOguadinma ITownsend ADunn LMishra ASattar SNims RCasson LBrown SBrisolara KMcKinney JHernández-Zepeda CRosiles-González GRose JRubino JSchmitz BRubin ABetancourt WSherchan SBibby KPepper IMaal-Bared RBright KDev Kumar GAbney SIjaz MKitajima MGerba C
Click and drag the name of any author to adjust the clusters. Shift-click and drag the name of any author to move them and pin it to a fixed location. Click again to unlock the position. Ctrl-click a name to view that person's network of co-authors. Alt-click a name to view that person's full profile. Please note that it might take several minutes for the clusters in this graph to form, and each time you view the page the graph might look slightly different.

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Gerba's Networks
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Concepts (168)
Co-Authors (114)
Similar People (60)