Co-Authors (231)
Co-Authors are people in Profiles who have published together.
Red markers indicate the co-authors.
Blue lines connect people who
have published papers together.
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Address | Latitude | Longitude | Name(s) |
United States | 37.09024 | -95.712891 | Jennifer Curran |
Leah Mische |
Ayan Sen |
Bhavesh M Patel |
Debra A DeBruin |
George A Kuchel |
Joel Wu |
Jonathon P Leider |
Richard R Sharp |
Ruth Lynfield |
Susan Kline |
Susan M Wolf |
Vincent Pureza |
Ann Arbor Michigan, United States | 42.2808256 | -83.7430378 | Raymond W H Yung
Baltimore Maryland, United States | 39.2903848 | -76.6121893 | Jeremy D Walston
Bangalore India | 12.9715987 | 77.5945627 | Akash Anand |
Praveen Anand |
Rakesh Barve |
Sairam Bade |
Boston Massachusetts, United States | 42.3600825 | -71.0588801 | Douglas P Kiel |
Joan B Mannick |
Lewis A Lipsitz |
Brescia Italy | 22.3193039 | 114.1693611 | M Peiris
Burlingame California, United States | 37.5778696 | -122.34809 | Cameron Durrant |
Dale Chappell |
Gabrielle Chappell |
Omar Ahmed |
Cambridge Massachusetts, United States | 42.3736158 | -71.1097335 | Xu G Yu |
A J Venkatakrishnan |
Arjun Puranik |
Eli Silvert |
Hugo Solomon |
Karthik Murugadoss |
Martin Kang |
Matt Liebers |
Samir Awasthi |
Tyler Wagner |
Venky Soundararajan |
Zainab Doctor |
Chicago Illinois, United States | 41.8781136 | -87.6297982 | Ramona Bhatia
Connecticut United States | 41.6032207 | -73.087749 | Maria Koshy
Dallas Texas, United States | 32.7766642 | -96.7969879 | Roger Bedimo
Edmonton Alberta, Canada | 53.5461245 | -113.4938229 | Benjamin A Adam |
Michael Mengel |
Italy Italy | 41.87194 | 12.56738 | Giorgio Lisi |
Mario Dauri |
Chiara Adriana Pistolese |
Rosaria Meucci |
Tommaso Perretta |
Jackson Mississippi, United States | 32.2987573 | -90.1848103 | Michael A Puskarich
Jacksonville Florida, United States | 30.3321838 | -81.655651 | Andy Abril |
Augustine S Lee |
Charles D Burger |
Claudia R Libertin |
Devang K Sanghavi |
Gautam V Matcha |
Jason L Siegel |
Jennifer J O\'Brien |
Jorge M Mallea |
Leigh L Speicher |
Michael F Harrison |
Pablo Moreno Franco |
Pramod K Guru |
Wendelyn Bosch |
Japan Japan | 36.204824 | 138.252924 | Reona Sakemura
Jupiter Florida, United States | 26.9342246 | -80.0942087 | Paul D Robbins
Kansas City Kansas, United States | 39.1155314 | -94.6267873 | Wissam El Atrouni
Karnataka India | 15.3172775 | 75.7138884 | Anil K Madugundu |
Smrita Singh |
Kerala India | 10.8505159 | 76.2710833 | Kiran K Mangalaparthi
Leon Spain | 42.5987263 | -5.5670959 | Benedetto Ielpo
Little Rock Arkansas, United States | 34.7464809 | -92.2895948 | Christopher P Larsen
Mankato Minnesota, United States | 44.1635775 | -93.9993996 | Joel E Gordon |
Russell C Tontz |
Minneapolis Minnesota, United States | 44.977753 | -93.2650108 | Jason V Baker |
Laura J Niedernhofer |
Nneka O Sederstrom |
Sarah Kesler |
Teresa McCarthy |
Minnesota Minnesota, United States | 46.729553 | -94.6858998 | Rondell Graham |
Catherine E Hagen |
Reade A Quinton |
Supavit Chesdachai |
Modena Italy | 44.647128 | 10.9252269 | Francesca Combi |
Giovanni Tazzioli |
Silvia Segattini |
Simona Papi |
Phoenix Arizona, United States | 33.4483771 | -112.0740373 | Kai Singbartl |
Robert Orenstein |
Rochester Minnesota, United States | 44.0121221 | -92.4801989 | Aaron J Tande |
Aditya Shah |
Akhilesh Pandey |
Ala S Dababneh |
Alice Gallo de Moraes |
Amy W Williams |
Andrew D Rule |
Anja C Roden |
Ann M Moyer |
Anne M Meehan |
Brandon P Verdoorn |
Caitlin P Oravec |
Casey M Clements |
Catherine Cate D Zomok |
Cristina G Corsini Campioli |
David M Phelan |
Denic Aleksandar |
Dennis M Bierle |
Douglas W Challener |
Edison J Cano Cevallos |
Elie F Berbari |
Elizabeth H Cheek |
Elizabeth J Atkinson |
Elliot J Cahn |
Emily R Levy |
Erika L Halverson |
Erin O Wissler-Gerdes |
Eva M Carmona Porquera |
F N U Shweta |
Gina A Suh |
Gregory J Gores |
Gregory J Hanson |
Heather A Heaton |
Henry H Ting |
Hind J Fadel |
Hussam Tabaja |
Isin Y Comba |
James J Vaillant |
James L Kirkland |
James R Cerhan |
John C O\'Horo |
John R Go |
Jon Charlesworth |
Jon O Ebbert |
Joseph J Maleszewski |
Joseph P Grande |
Kevin D Pavelko |
Larissa G P Langhi Prata |
Loren P Herrera Hernandez |
Lynn D Cornell |
Mariam Assi |
Mariam P Alexander |
Marie-Christine Aubry |
Mark J Enzler |
Mary J Kasten |
Maryam Mahmood |
Matthew Sorenson |
Melanie C Bois |
Mohamed Y Warsame |
Natalia E Castillo Almeida |
Natalie J Ough |
Nathan K LeBrasseur |
Omar Abu Saleh |
Paschalis Vergidis |
Peter T Lin |
Philippe R Bauer |
Pooja R Gurram |
Priya Sampathkumar |
Raj Palraj |
Ramya Narasimhan |
Ravinder J Singh |
Ravindra Ganesh |
Raymund R Razonable |
Richard G Vile |
Robert J Pignolo |
Ryan T Hurt |
Saad S Kenderian |
Samih H Nasr |
Sandra M Herrmann |
Sanjeev Sethi |
Sarah J Crane |
Steve R Ommen |
Sundeep Khosla |
Tamara K Evans |
Tamara Tchkonia |
Timothy J Kottke |
Timucin Taner |
Walter R Wilson |
William F Marshall |
Yi Zhu |
Zachary C Pope |
Richard A Oeckler |
Rochester United States | 43.1565779 | -77.6088465 | Andrew D Badley |
Fnu Shweta |
John Halamka |
William G Morice |
Zelalem Temesgen |
Rome Italy | 41.9027835 | 12.4963655 | Agostino Chiaravalloti |
Alfonso Bellia |
Andrea Farinaccio |
Andrea Magrini |
Carlo Chiaramonte |
Carlo DI Donna |
Chiara Buonomo |
Domiziana Pedini |
Federica DI Tosto |
Francesca Ricci |
Francesco Garaci |
Francesco Grimaldi |
Francesco Paolo Sbordone |
G Ferrazza |
Gianluca Vanni |
Ilaria Portarena |
Jacopo Maria Legramante |
Leonardo Benelli |
Luca Coppeta |
Luca Pugliese |
Luigi Spiritigliozzi |
M Federici |
Marcello Chiocchi |
Marco Alfonso Perrone |
Marco Materazzo |
Marco Pellicciaro |
Matteo Presicce |
Michela Campanelli |
Michele Grande |
Monia Pasqualetto |
O C Bonomo |
Oreste Claudio Buonomo |
Roberto Floris |
Sandro Grelli |
Saverio Potenza |
Stefano Rizza |
Vincenzo DE Stasio |
San Antonio Texas, United States | 29.4241219 | -98.4936282 | Nicolas Musi
San Francisco California, United States | 37.7749295 | -122.4194155 | Michael P Busch
Scottsdale Arizona, United States | 33.4941704 | -111.9260519 | Hugo E Vargas
Southampton United Kingdom | 50.9097004 | -1.4043509 | Brian Pickering
St. Paul Minnesota, United States | 44.9537029 | -93.0899578 | Sarah Lim
Toronto Ontario, Canada | 43.653226 | -79.3831843 | Trevor D McKee
United Kingdom United Kingdom | 55.378051 | -3.435973 | Francesca D\'Errico
Winston-Salem North Carolina, United States | 36.0998596 | -80.244216 | Stephen B Kritchevsky
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