Mauro Codeluppi

InstitutionUOC Malattie Infettive
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    Publication Timeline
    COVID-19 publications
    Bar chart showing 6 Covid-19 publications, with a maximum of 2 publications in January 2021
    All Publications
    Bar chart showing 32 publications over 15 distinct years, with a maximum of 4 publications in 2008 and 2020
    These graphs show COVID-19 publications by month since August 2019 and all publications written by authors of COVID-19 publications over the past 30 years.

    To see the data from both graphs as text, click here.
    Publication Field Summary
    This graph shows the number and percent of publications by field. Fields are based on how the National Library of Medicine (NLM) classifies the publications' journals and might not represent the specific topics of the publications. Note that an individual publication can be assigned to more than one field. As a result, the publication counts in this graph might add up to more than the number of publications the person has written. To see the data as text, click here.
    Publication List
    Publications listed below are automatically derived from MEDLINE/PubMed and other sources, which might result in incorrect or missing publications.
    Sort By:     Newest   |   Oldest   |   Most Cited   |   Most Discussed
    PMC Citations indicate the number of times the publication was cited by articles in PubMed Central, and the Altmetric score represents citations in news articles and social media. (Note that publications are often cited in additional ways that are not shown here.) Fields are based on how the National Library of Medicine (NLM) classifies the publication's journal and might not represent the specific topic of the publication. Translation tags are based on the publication type and the MeSH terms NLM assigns to the publication. Some publications (especially newer ones and publications not in PubMed) might not yet be assigned Field or Translation tags.) Click a Field or Translation tag to filter the publications.
    1. Taliani G, Follini E, Guglielmetti L, Bernuzzi P, Faggi A, Ferrante P, Fronti E, Gerna L, Leoni MC, Paolillo F, Ratti G, Ruggieri A, Valdatta C, Donisi A, Zangrandi A, Pochintesta L, Moroni C, Sacchini D, Vallisa D, Codeluppi M. Case Report: B Lymphocyte Disorders Under COVID-19 Inflammatory Pressure. Front Oncol. 2020; 10:582901. PMID: 33585201.
      Citations: 1     
    2. Salvarani C, Dolci G, Massari M, Merlo DF, Cavuto S, Savoldi L, Bruzzi P, Boni F, Braglia L, TurrĂ  C, Ballerini PF, Sciascia R, Zammarchi L, Para O, Scotton PG, Inojosa WO, Ravagnani V, Salerno ND, Sainaghi PP, Brignone A, Codeluppi M, Teopompi E, Milesi M, Bertomoro P, Claudio N, Salio M, Falcone M, Cenderello G, Donghi L, Del Bono V, Colombelli PL, Angheben A, Passaro A, Secondo G, Pascale R, Piazza I, Facciolongo N, Costantini M. Effect of Tocilizumab vs Standard Care on Clinical Worsening in Patients Hospitalized With COVID-19 Pneumonia: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Intern Med. 2021 01 01; 181(1):24-31. PMID: 33080005.
      Citations: 186     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    3. Guglielmetti L, Kontsevaya I, Leoni MC, Ferrante P, Fronti E, Gerna L, Valdatta C, Donisi A, Faggi A, Paolillo F, Ratti G, Ruggieri A, Scotti M, Sacchini D, Taliani G, Codeluppi M. Severe COVID-19 pneumonia in Piacenza, Italy - A cohort study of the first pandemic wave. J Infect Public Health. 2021 Feb; 14(2):263-270. PMID: 33497876.
      Citations: 1     Fields:    Translation:HumansPHPublic Health
    4. Granata G, Bartoloni A, Codeluppi M, Contadini I, Cristini F, Fantoni M, Ferraresi A, Fornabaio C, Grasselli S, Lagi F, Masucci L, Puoti M, Raimondi A, Taddei E, Trapani FF, Viale P, Johnson S, Petrosillo N. The Burden of Clostridioides Difficile Infection during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Retrospective Case-Control Study in Italian Hospitals (CloVid). J Clin Med. 2020 Nov 27; 9(12). PMID: 33260943.
      Citations: 13     
    5. Bartoletti M, Giannella M, Scudeller L, Tedeschi S, Rinaldi M, Bussini L, Fornaro G, Pascale R, Pancaldi L, Pasquini Z, Trapani F, Badia L, Campoli C, Tadolini M, Attard L, Puoti M, Merli M, Mussini C, Menozzi M, Meschiari M, Codeluppi M, Barchiesi F, Cristini F, Saracino A, Licci A, Rapuano S, Tonetti T, Gaibani P, Ranieri VM, Viale P. Development and validation of a prediction model for severe respiratory failure in hospitalized patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection: a multicentre cohort study (PREDI-CO study). Clin Microbiol Infect. 2020 Nov; 26(11):1545-1553. PMID: 32781244.
      Citations: 21     Fields:    Translation:HumansCellsPHPublic Health
    6. Stroppa EM, Toscani I, Citterio C, Anselmi E, Zaffignani E, Codeluppi M, Cavanna L. Coronavirus disease-2019 in cancer patients. A report of the first 25 cancer patients in a western country (Italy). Future Oncol. 2020 Jul; 16(20):1425-1432. PMID: 32403946.
      Citations: 31     Fields:    Translation:HumansCellsPHPublic Health