Co-Authors (331)
Co-Authors are people in Profiles who have published together.
Red markers indicate the co-authors.
Blue lines connect people who
have published papers together.
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Address | Latitude | Longitude | Name(s)
Stanford, California, United States | 37.424106 | -122.1660756 | Kari C Nadeau |
Sharon Chinthrajah |
Vanitha Sampath |
Aarhus Denmark | 56.162939 | 10.203921 | Hans Jürgen Hoffmann
Afula Israel | 32.6104931 | 35.287922 | Menachem Rottem
Ancona Italy | 43.6158299 | 13.518915 | Antonio Cherubini |
Maria Beatrice Bilò |
Ankara Turkey | 39.9333635 | 32.8597419 | Omer Kalayci
Argentina Argentina | -38.416097 | -63.616672 | Hugo Neffen |
Jorge F Maspero |
Juan Carlos Ivancevich |
Athens Greece | 37.9838096 | 23.7275388 | Mina Gaga |
Paraskevi Xepapadaki |
Theodor Vontetsianos |
Auckland New Zealand | -36.8483048 | 174.7624886 | Innes Asher
Austria Austria | 47.516231 | 14.550072 | Regina E Roller-Winsberger
Baltimore Maryland, United States | 39.2903848 | -76.6121893 | Robert Naclerio
Barcelona Spain | 41.3850639 | 2.1734035 | Antonio Valero |
Carmen Riggioni |
Joaquim Mullol |
Josep M Anto |
Nieves Pizarro Lozano |
Victoria Cardona |
Bari Italy | 41.1171432 | 16.8718715 | Maria Teresa Ventura |
Maria-Teresa Ventura |
Beijing , China | 39.9041999 | 116.4073963 | Chen Wang |
Gary Wong |
Luo Zhang |
Beirut Lebanon | 33.8937913 | 35.5017767 | Carla Irani |
Philip W Rouadi |
Belgrade Serbia | 44.786568 | 20.4489216 | Branislava Milenkovic |
Marina Atanaskovic-Markovic |
Berlin Germany | 52.5200066 | 13.404954 | Maja Hofmann |
Paolo Matricardi |
Stephanie Dramburg |
Torsten Zuberbier |
Bielefeld Germany | 52.0302285 | 8.5324708 | Eckard H Hamelmann
Bishkek Kyrgyzstan | 42.8746212 | 74.5697617 | Talant Sooronbaev
Bordeaux France | 44.837789 | -0.57918 | Nathalie Salles
Brasov Romania | 45.6426802 | 25.5887252 | Ioana Agache
Bratislava Slovakia | 48.1485965 | 17.1077478 | Martin Hrubisko
Brazil Brazil | -14.235004 | -51.92528 | Dirceu Solé |
Faradiba S Serpa |
Nelson Rosario |
Paulo Camargos |
Paulo Márcio Pitrez |
Rafael Stelmach |
Bretigny France | 48.611486 | 2.30604 | Nhân Pham-Thi
Brussels Belgium | 50.8503396 | 4.3517103 | Mikaëla Odemyr |
Valerie Hox |
Bucharest Romania | 44.4267674 | 26.1025384 | Elena Camelia Berghea |
Florin Mihaltan |
Budapest Hungary | 47.497912 | 19.040235 | Helga Kraxner |
Kristof Nekam |
Cagliari Italy | 39.2238411 | 9.1216613 | Stefano Del Giacco
Cairo Egypt | 30.0444196 | 31.2357116 | Elham M Hossny |
Yehia El-Gamal |
Zeinab Awad El-Sayed |
Cartagena Colombia | 10.3932277 | -75.4832311 | Luis Caraballo
Chandigarh India | 30.7333148 | 76.7794179 | Digambar Behera
Chiba Japan | 35.6074041 | 140.1065366 | Y Okamoto |
Yoshitaka Okamoto |
Clermont-Ferrand France | 45.777222 | 3.087025 | Jean-Luc Fauquert
Coimbra Portugal | 40.2033145 | -8.4102573 | Frederico S Regateiro
Copenhagen Denmark | 55.6760968 | 12.5683372 | Charlotte Suppli Ulrik |
Charlotte Suppli-Ulrik |
Córdoba Argentina | -31.4200833 | -64.1887761 | Mario Zernotti
Costa Rica Costa Rica | 9.748917 | -83.753428 | Manuel Soto-Martinez |
Manuel Soto-Quiros |
Covilhã Portugal | 39.399872 | -8.224454 | Luis Taborda-Barata |
Olga Lourenco |
Ana Maria Todo-Bom |
Jaime Correia-de-Sousa |
Susana Fonseca |
Davos Switzerland | 46.8027453 | 9.8359701 | Cezmi A Akdis |
Cezmi Akdis |
Liam O\'Mahony |
M Akdis |
Milena Sokolowska |
Mübeccel Akdis |
Dhaka Bangladesh | 23.810332 | 90.4125181 | Kazi Bennoor |
Kazi S Bennoor |
Down United Kingdom | 55.378051 | -3.435973 | John Farrell
Dundee United Kingdom | 56.462018 | -2.970721 | Brian Lipworth
Edinburgh United Kingdom | 55.953252 | -3.188267 | Aziz Sheikh |
Dermot Ryan |
Jürgen Schwarze |
Osman M Yusuf |
Siân Williams |
Erandio Spain | 43.3028593 | -2.9756534 | Ignacio J Ansotegui
Eskisehir Turkey | 39.7667061 | 30.5256311 | Cemal Cingi
Essen Germany | 51.4556432 | 7.0115552 | Manfred Schedlowski
Exeter United Kingdom | 50.718412 | -3.533899 | David M G Halpin
Florence Italy | 43.7695604 | 11.2558136 | Alessandra Vultaggio |
Andrea Matucci |
France France | 46.227638 | 2.213749 | Antoine Deschildre |
Jean-Paul Cristol |
Marc Humbert |
Stéphanie Miot |
Vincent Le Moing |
Gaëtan Gavazzi |
Gdansk Poland | 54.3520252 | 18.6466384 | Ewa Jassem |
Marek Niedoszytko |
Geneva Switzerland | 46.2043907 | 6.1431577 | Jean-Christoph Caubet |
Juan-Carlos Ivancevich |
Genoa Italy | 44.4056499 | 8.946256 | Fulvio Braido |
Giovanni Passalacqua |
Germany Germany | 51.165691 | 10.451526 | Claudia Traidl-Hoffmann |
Eckard Hamelmann |
Karl-Christian Bergmann |
Margitta Worm |
Ralph Mösges |
Randolf Brehler |
Susanne Lau |
Ghent Belgium | 51.0543422 | 3.7174243 | Claus Bachert |
Guy F Joos |
Guy Joos |
Mirko Petrovic |
Golnik Slovenia | 46.3269968 | 14.3332684 | Mihaela Zidarn
Graz Austria | 47.070714 | 15.439504 | Gunter Sturm |
Peter-Valentin Tomazic |
Gwangju Republic of Korea | 35.1595454 | 126.8526012 | Hyun Ju Kim
Hamilton Ontario, Canada | 43.2557206 | -79.8711024 | Derek K Chu |
Holger J Schünemann |
Paul O\'Byrne |
Susan Waserman |
Helsinki Finland | 60.1698557 | 24.9383791 | Antti Lauerma |
Jere Reijula |
Marina Erhola |
Mika J Mäkelä |
Sanna Toppila-Salmi |
Seppo Koskinen |
Tari Haahtela |
Heraklion Greece | 35.3387352 | 25.1442126 | Emmanuel P Prokopakis |
Ioanna Tsiligianni |
Hong Kong , China | 22.3193039 | 114.1693611 | Fanny W S Ko
Istanbul Turkey | 41.0082376 | 28.9783589 | Asli Gelincik |
Bilun Gemicioglu |
Italy Italy | 41.87194 | 12.56738 | Alessandro Fiocchi |
Giorgio W Canonica |
Madda lenaIllario |
Japan Japan | 36.204824 | 138.252924 | Toshimitsu Iinuma
Kampala Uganda | 0.3475964 | 32.5825197 | Bruce Kirenga
Kanagawa Japan | 35.4913535 | 139.284143 | Motohiro Ebisawa
Katowice Poland | 50.2648919 | 19.0237815 | Radolslaw Gawlik |
Radoslaw Gawlik |
Kazakhstan Kazakhstan | 48.019573 | 66.923684 | Zhanat Ispayeva
Khartoum Sudan | 15.5006544 | 32.5598994 | Asma El-Sony
Langen Germany | 49.9914663 | 8.6634007 | Vera Mahler
Latakia Syria | 35.5407103 | 35.7952667 | Yousser Mohammad
Levallois France | 48.893217 | 2.287864 | Wienczyslawa Czarlewski
Liege Belgium | 50.6325574 | 5.5796662 | Renaud Louis
Lisbon Portugal | 38.7222524 | -9.1393366 | Claudia Conceiçao |
Mário Morais-Almeida |
Pedro Carreiro-Martins |
Lodz Poland | 51.7592485 | 19.4559833 | Jolanta Walusiak-Skorupa |
Marek L Kowalski |
Piotr Kuna |
Przemyslaw Kardas |
London United Kingdom | 51.5073509 | -0.1277583 | Adnan Custovic |
Adrian R Martineau |
Alexandra F Santos |
Claire Hopkins |
Finbarr C Martin |
Helen A Brough |
Isabel Skypala |
Matteo Bonini |
Mohamed H Shamji |
Omar Usmani |
Macedonia Macedonia | 41.608635 | 21.745275 | Dejan Dokic
Madrid Spain | 40.4167754 | -3.7037902 | Montserrat Fernandez-Rivas |
Oscar Palomares |
Rafael de la Torre |
Tomas Chivato |
Mainz Germany | 49.9928617 | 8.2472526 | Jan Hagemann |
Roland Buhl |
Malaga Spain | 36.7211784 | -4.4217199 | Carmen Rondon |
María José Torres |
Málaga Spain | 40.463667 | -3.74922 | Maria Torres |
Joaquin Sastre |
Malaysia Malaysia | 4.210484 | 101.975766 | Amir H Abdul Latiff |
Amir Hamzah Abdul Latiff |
Manchester United Kingdom | 53.4807593 | -2.2426305 | Alexander G Mathioudakis |
Clare Murray |
Nikolaos G Papadopoulos |
Manilla Philippines | 12.879721 | 121.774017 | Marysia T Recto
Manisa Turkey | 38.6140337 | 27.4295624 | Arzu Yorgancioglu
Maputo Mozambique | -25.969248 | 32.5731746 | Elisabete Nunes |
Elizabete Nunes |
Marburg Germany | 50.8021728 | 8.7667933 | Hans-Walter Fritsch |
Winfried Rief |
Marseille France | 43.296482 | 5.36978 | Joana Vitte
Mexico Mexico | 23.634501 | -102.552784 | Cesar Fireth Pozo Beltrán |
Désirée Larenas-Linnemann |
Sandra Gonzalez Diaz |
MI Italy | 45.458626 | 9.181873 | G Walter Canonica
Milan Italy | 45.4642035 | 9.189982 | Francesca Puggioni |
G Walter Canonica |
Montpellier France | 43.610769 | 3.876716 | Anna Bedbrook |
Aram Anto |
Daniel Laune |
Gabrielle L Onorato |
Hubert Blain |
Jacques Reynes |
Jean Bousquet |
Wienia Czarlewski |
Montreal Canada | 45.5016889 | -73.567256 | Francine M Ducharme
Moscow Russia | 55.755826 | 37.6172999 | Dmitry Kudlay |
Leyla Namazova |
Leyla Namazova-Baranova |
Musa Khaitov |
Nataliya Ilina |
Msida Malta | 35.8956388 | 14.4868883 | Stephen Montefort
Munich Germany | 48.1351253 | 11.5819805 | Bernadette Eberlein |
Knut Brockow |
Murcia Spain | 37.9922399 | -1.1306544 | Luis Garcia-Marcos
Nancy France | 48.692054 | 6.184417 | Athanasios Benetos
Naples Italy | 40.8517983 | 14.26812 | Emma Montella |
Guido Iaccarino |
Nice France | 43.7101728 | 7.2619532 | Olivier Guérin
NSW Australia | -31.2532183 | 146.921099 | Sinthia Bosnic-Anticevich
Odense Denmark | 55.403756 | 10.40237 | Carsten Bindslev-Jensen |
Charlotte G Mortz |
Markus Ollert |
Olomouc Czech Republic | 49.593778 | 17.2508787 | Milan Sova
Palermo Italy | 38.11569 | 13.3614868 | Nicola Scichilone
Paris France | 48.856614 | 2.3522219 | Annick Barbaud |
Bernard Pigearias |
Isabella Annesi-Maesano |
Pilsen Czech Republic | 49.7384314 | 13.3736371 | Petr Panzner
Pisa Italy | 43.7228386 | 10.4016888 | Giovanni Viegi
Poland Poland | 51.919438 | 19.145136 | Filip Raciborski |
Maciej Kupczyk |
Poltava Ukraine | 48.379433 | 31.1655799 | Igor Kaidashev
Porto Portugal | 41.1579438 | -8.6291053 | Bernardo Sousa-Pinto |
Joao A Fonseca |
Prague Czech Republic | 50.0755381 | 14.4378005 | Anna Sediva |
Petr Pohunek |
Zuzana Diamant |
Prato Italy | 43.8777049 | 11.102228 | Lorenzo Cecchi
Quebec Canada | 52.9399159 | -73.5491361 | Louis-Philippe Boulet
Rome Italy | 41.9027835 | 12.4963655 | Sergio Bonini
Rozzano Italy | 45.3760312 | 9.1427661 | Giorgio Walter Canonica
Safat Kuwait | 29.3715596 | 47.9736459 | Mona Al-Ahmad
Saint Louis Missouri, United States | 38.6270025 | -90.1994042 | Mark Dykewicz |
Leonard B Bacharier |
Salerno Italy | 40.6824408 | 14.7680961 | Cristiana Stellato |
Vincenzo Patella |
Salta Argentina | -24.7821269 | -65.4231976 | René Maximiliano Gómez |
René-Maximiliano Gomez |
Salvador Brazil | -12.977749 | -38.5016301 | Alvaro A Cruz |
Álvaro Cruz |
Maddalena Illario |
Santiago Chile | -33.4488897 | -70.6692655 | Jose A Castro-Rodriguez
Seville Spain | 37.3890924 | -5.9844589 | Ana Carriazo
Sheffield United Kingdom | 53.381129 | -1.470085 | Michael Makris
Singapore Singapore | 1.352083 | 103.819836 | Anne Goh |
De Yun Wang |
Sofia Bulgaria | 42.6977082 | 23.3218675 | George Christoff |
Todor A Popov |
South Africa South Africa | -30.559482 | 22.937506 | Eric D Bateman |
Heather J Zar |
Michael Levin |
Southampton United Kingdom | 50.9097004 | -1.4043509 | Elizabeth Angier |
Graham C Roberts |
State College Pennsylvania, United States | 40.7933949 | -77.8600012 | Timothy J Craig
Stockholm Sweden | 59.3293235 | 18.0685808 | Erik Melén |
Gunilla Hedlin |
Jon Konradsen |
Jonas F Ludvigsson |
Switzerland Switzerland | 46.818188 | 8.227512 | Nikolai Khaltaev
Tamilnadu India | 11.1271225 | 78.6568942 | Karthik Nagaraju
Tartu Estonia | 58.377983 | 26.7290383 | Kaja Julge
Tbilisi Georgia | 41.7151377 | 44.827096 | Maia Gotua |
Tamaz Maghlakelidze |
Tehran Iran | 35.6891975 | 51.3889736 | Mohammad R Masjedi |
Mohammad Reza Masjedi |
The Netherlands | 52.132633 | 5.291266 | Edward F Knol |
Jos M G A Schols |
Sietze Reitsma |
Wytske J Fokkens |
Tokyo Japan | 35.6761919 | 139.6503106 | Ken Ohta |
Kimi Okubo |
Ruby Pawankar |
Torino Italy | 45.0703393 | 7.686864 | Giovanni Rolla |
Luisa Brussino |
Stefania Nicola |
Toronto Ontario, Canada | 43.653226 | -79.3831843 | Alan Kaplan |
Arnav Agarwal |
Teresa To |
Thomas Eiwegger |
Toulouse France | 43.604652 | 1.444209 | Yves Rolland
Troina Italy | 37.7847915 | 14.6000721 | Antonino Romano
Turku Finland | 60.4518126 | 22.2666302 | Erkka Valovirta |
Tuomas Jartti |
Tuula Vasankari |
United States United States | 37.09024 | -95.712891 | Ana Pereira |
Dana Wallace |
James E Gern |
Robert F Lemanske |
Thomas Casale |
Wanda Phipatanakul |
Uruguaiana Brazil | -29.7619121 | -57.0858428 | Marilyn Urrutia Pereira
Valencia Spain | 39.4699075 | -0.3762881 | Antonio Nieto Garcia
VIC Australia | -37.4713077 | 144.7851531 | Robyn E O\'Hehir
Vienna Austria | 48.2081743 | 16.3738189 | Eva Untersmayr |
Heimo Breiteneder |
Karin Hoffmann-Sommergruber |
Vietnam Vietnam | 14.058324 | 108.277199 | Lan T Le |
Lan Tt Le |
Le Thi Tuyet Lan |
Vilnius Lithuania | 54.6871555 | 25.2796514 | Arunas Valiulis |
Maria Teresa Ventura |
Regina Emuzyte |
Violeta Kvedariene |
WA Australia | -27.6728168 | 121.6283098 | Peter Le Souef
Warsaw Poland | 52.2296756 | 21.0122287 | Boleslaw Samolinski |
Wojciech Feleszko |
Wellington New Zealand | -41.2768778 | 174.7731458 | Letitia Harding
Wiesbaden Germany | 50.0782184 | 8.2397608 | L Klimek |
Ludger Klimek |
Oliver Pfaar |
Wroclaw Poland | 51.1078852 | 17.0385376 | Marek Jutel |
Sylwia Smolinska |
Wuhan Hubei, China | 30.592849 | 114.305539 | Hui Du |
Hui Du |
Hui Du |
Ya-Dong Gao |
Zagreb Croatia | 45.8150108 | 15.9819189 | Davor Plavec |
Neven Miculinic |
Zhejiang China | 29.1416432 | 119.7889248 | Zhimin Chen
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