Co-Authors (276)
Co-Authors are people in Profiles who have published together.
Red markers indicate the co-authors.
Blue lines connect people who
have published papers together.
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Address | Latitude | Longitude | Name(s) |
7925 South Africa | -33.9353255 | 18.4691492 | Arash Iranzadeh
Adelaide Australia | -34.9284989 | 138.6007456 | Chuan Kok Lim |
Lex E X Leong |
Albany New York, United States | 42.6525793 | -73.7562317 | Erica Lasek-Nesselquist |
Kirsten St George |
Auckland New Zealand | -36.8483048 | 174.7624886 | Nikki E Freed |
Olin K Silander |
Australia Australia | -25.274398 | 133.775136 | Alicia Arnott |
Edward C Holmes |
Jemma L Geoghegan |
Jenny Draper |
Mailie Gall |
Sanmarie Schlebusch |
Basel Switzerland | 47.5595986 | 7.5885761 | Emma B Hodcroft |
Richard A Neher |
Beirut Lebanon | 33.8937913 | 35.5017767 | Jad Koweyes
Bengaluru India | 12.9715987 | 77.5945627 | Anita S Desai |
Chitra Pattabiraman |
Pramada Prasad |
Ravi Vasanthapuram |
Berlin Germany | 52.5200066 | 13.404954 | Alex Sigal
Blantyre Malawi | -15.7666707 | 35.0167866 | Anmol M Kiran
Bloemfontein South Africa | -29.085214 | 26.1595761 | Dominique Goedhals
Bonn Germany | 50.73743 | 7.0982068 | Christian Drosten
Brazil Brazil | -14.235004 | -51.92528 | Ester C Sabino |
Ingra Morales Claro |
Jaqueline Goes de Jesus |
Luiz Carlos Junior Alcantara |
Luiz Carlos Junior Alcantara |
Marta Giovanetti |
Vagner Fonseca |
Byblos Lebanon | 34.1230021 | 35.6519282 | Georgi Merhi |
Sima Tokajian |
Tamara Salloum |
Cambridge Massachusetts, United States | 42.3736158 | -71.1097335 | Alejandro B Balazs
Cambridge United Kingdom | 52.205337 | 0.121817 | Tonya L Villafana
Chicago Illinois, United States | 41.8781136 | -87.6297982 | Gaurav Khullar |
Jessica Metti |
Megan Nash |
Dublin Ireland | 53.3498053 | -6.2603097 | Gabo Gonzalez |
Michael Carr |
Durban South Africa | -29.8586804 | 31.0218404 | Aquillah M Kanzi |
Bernadett I Gosnell |
Denis York |
Emmanuel James San |
Farina Karim |
Gila Lustig |
James E San |
Khadija Khan |
Khulekani Khanyile |
Khulekani Sedwell Khanyile |
Koleka Mlisana |
Laurelle Jackson |
Mahomed-Yunus S Moosa |
Mallory Bernstein |
Maria Schuld |
Nokukhanya Msomi |
Richard J Lessells |
Sandile Cele |
Sinaye Ngcapu |
Tulio de Oliveira |
Ugochukwu J Anyaneji |
Werner Smidt |
Yashica Ganga |
Yeshnee Naidoo |
Edinburgh United Kingdom | 55.953252 | -3.188267 | Áine O\'Toole |
Andrew Rambaut |
Finland Finland | 61.92411 | 25.7481511 | Satu Kurkela
Foggia Italy | 41.4621984 | 15.5446302 | Antonio Parisi
France France | 46.227638 | 2.213749 | Laurence Josset
Gaborone Botswana | -24.6282079 | 25.9231471 | Gape Nyepetsi |
Kefentse Arnold Tumedi |
Madisa Mine |
Maitshwarelo Matsheka |
Malebogo Kebabonye |
Galveston Texas, United States | 29.3013479 | -94.7976958 | Scott C Weaver
Germany Germany | 52.3758916 | 9.7320104 | Thomas F Schulz |
Albert Heim |
Lars Steinbrück |
Germany Germany | 51.165691 | 10.451526 | Thorsten Wolff
Greenwich Connecticut, United States | 41.0262417 | -73.6281964 | Caleb Neal |
Eva Laszlo |
Steven Murphy |
Hartford Connecticut, United States | 41.7658043 | -72.6733723 | Anthony Muyombwe |
Jafar Razeq |
Randy Downing |
Helsinki Finland | 60.1698557 | 24.9383791 | Teemu Smura
Italy Italy | 41.87194 | 12.56738 | Daniela Loconsole |
Maria Chironna |
Martina Rueca |
Johannesburg South Africa | -26.2041028 | 28.0473051 | Allison J Glass |
Anne von Gottberg |
Arshad Ismail |
Brent Oosthuysen |
Bronwen E Lambson |
Carmen Briner |
Caroline Maslo |
Clare L Cutland |
Constantinos Kurt Wibmer |
Donald Mhlanga |
Frances Ayres |
Jinal N Bhiman |
Lee Fairlie |
Lynn Morris |
Mashudu Madzivhandila |
Mushal Allam |
Penny L Moore |
Prudence Kgagudi |
Shabir A Madhi |
Sibongile Walaza |
Thabo Mohale |
Thandeka Moyo-Gwete |
Zanele Makhado |
KwaZulu-Natal South Africa | -28.5305539 | 30.8958242 | Francesco Petruccione |
Ilya Sinayskiy |
Lausanne Switzerland | 46.5196535 | 6.6322734 | Tanja Stadler
Lebanon Lebanon | 33.854721 | 35.862285 | Hamad Hassan
Lisbon Portugal | 38.7222524 | -9.1393366 | Joana Isidro |
João Paulo Gomes |
Sílvia Duarte |
Vítor Borges |
Los Alamos New Mexico, United States | 35.8800364 | -106.3031138 | Bette Korber |
Brian T Foley |
Elena E Giorgi |
James Theiler |
Sandrasegaram Gnanakaran |
Srirupa Chakraborty |
Werner Abfalterer |
Will Fischer |
Los Angeles California, United States | 34.0522342 | -118.2436849 | Kien Nguyen
Lyon France | 45.764043 | 4.835659 | Antonin Bal
Madrid Spain | 40.4167754 | -3.7037902 | Darío García de Viedma |
Sergio Buenestado-Serrano |
Manaus Brazil | -3.1190275 | -60.0217314 | Myuki A E Crispim
Melbourne Australia | -37.8136276 | 144.9630576 | Torsten Seemann
New Haven Connecticut, United States | 41.308274 | -72.9278835 | Anne E Watkins |
Chaney C Kalinich |
Chantal B F Vogels |
Chen Liu |
Isabel M Ott |
Jessica E Rothman |
Jianhui Wang |
Mallery I Breban |
Marie L Landry |
Mary E Petrone |
Nathan D Grubaugh |
Pei Hui |
Rebecca Earnest |
Tara Alpert |
New York New York, United States | 40.7127753 | -74.0059728 | Christopher E Mason |
Joel T Dudley |
Matthew J MacKay |
Pablo A Goloboff |
New Zealand New Zealand | -40.900557 | 174.885971 | Joep de Ligt |
Matthew Storey |
Xiaoyun Ren |
NSW Australia | -31.2532183 | 146.921099 | Ira W Deveson
Oxford United Kingdom | 51.7520209 | -1.2577263 | Andrew J Pollard |
Jane P Messina |
José Lourenço |
Merryn Voysey |
Moritz U G Kraemer |
Nuno Faria |
Nuno R Faria |
Oliver G Pybus |
Sarah C Gilbert |
Teresa Lambe |
Pakistan Pakistan | 30.375321 | 69.345116 | Massab Umair |
Muhammad Salman |
Philadelphia Pennsylvania, United States | 37.09024 | -95.712891 | Sergei L Kosakovsky Pond |
Christine V F Carrington |
Andrew Moultrie |
Anthonet L Koen |
Asha Thombrayil |
Aylin Jose |
Carol Taoushanis |
Constantinos K Wibmer |
Elizabeth J Kelly |
Elizea Horne |
Hylton Rodel |
Jeanine du Plessis |
Joseph R Fauver |
Kgaogelo Molapo |
Lindie Rossouw |
Marisa Groenewald |
Masebole Masenya |
Matt Laubscher |
Nicholas M Durham |
Parvinder Aley |
Samuel van Eck |
Shakeel McKenzie |
Sutika Bhikha |
Pretoria South Africa | -25.7478676 | 28.2292712 | Michael Boswell |
Sherman D Padayachee |
Veronica Ueckermann |
Puglia Italy | 40.7928393 | 17.1011931 | Angelica Bianco
Queensland Australia | -20.9175738 | 142.7027956 | Jamie McMahon
Ramat-Gan Israel | 32.068424 | 34.824785 | Neta S Zuckerman |
Orna Mor |
Randwick Australia | -33.9131545 | 151.2420352 | William D Rawlinson
Riverside California, United States | 33.9806005 | -117.3754942 | Adam Godzik
Rondebosch South Africa | -33.9635803 | 18.4762773 | Bryan Trevor Sewell
Santa Fe New Mexico, United States | 35.6869752 | -105.937799 | Tanmoy Bhattacharya
Seoul South Korea | 37.566535 | 126.9779692 | Hyejin Yoon
Solna Sweden | 59.3641968 | 18.0124231 | Mia Brytting
Soshanguve South Africa | -25.483403 | 28.1068267 | Khatija Ahmed
South Africa South Africa | -30.559482 | 22.937506 | Alane Izu |
Aliasgar Esmail |
Arghavan Alisoltani-Dehkordi |
Benjamin Chimukangara |
Bronwyn Kleinhans |
Carolyn Williamson |
Darren Martin |
Deelan Doolabh |
Diana Hardie |
Eduan Wilkinson |
Faeezah Patel |
Gaurav Kwatra |
Gert Marais |
Gert Van Zyl |
Houriiyah Tegally |
Inbal Gazy |
Innocent Mudau |
James Emmanuel San |
Jennifer Giandhari |
Kayla Delaney |
Keertan Dheda |
Khulekani Sedwell Khanyile |
Lavanya Singh |
Lionel R Chinhoyi |
Lynn Tyers |
Marvin Hsiao |
Maryam Fish |
Mary-Ann Davies |
Mathilda Mennen |
Mookho Malahleha |
Nei-Yuan Hsiao |
Ntobeko Ntusi |
Oluwakemi Laguda-Akingba |
Sango Skelem |
Shareef Abrahams |
Shaun L Barnabas |
Stacey Mattison |
Stephen Korsman |
Sureshnee Pillay |
Susan Engelbrecht |
Suzette Oelofse |
Tania Stander |
Theresa Rossouw |
Vicky Baillie |
Wendy A Burgers |
Willem Hanekom |
Wolfgang Preiser |
Yunus Moosa |
South Korea South Korea | 35.907757 | 127.766922 | Aekyung Park
Soweto South Africa | -26.2485377 | 27.8540323 | Qasim E Bhorat
Taipei Taiwan | 25.0329694 | 121.5654177 | Chase W Nelson
Telangana India | 18.1124372 | 79.0192997 | S Pavani |
V Sudha Rani |
Tel-Aviv Israel | 32.0852999 | 34.7817676 | Michal Mandelboim
The Netherlands | 52.132633 | 5.291266 | Bas Oude Munnink |
Chantal B E M Reusken |
Dirk Eggink |
Harry Vennema |
Marion P G Koopmans |
Reina S Sikkema |
Toronto Canada | 43.653226 | -79.3831843 | Alexander Watts |
Isaac I Bogoch |
Kamran Khan |
Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad and Tobago | 10.691803 | -61.222503 | Nikita Sahadeo
Uberlândia Brazil | -18.9127534 | -48.275484 | Giulia M Ferreira
United Kingdom United Kingdom | 55.378051 | -3.435973 | As\'ad E Bhorat |
Mduduzi Masilela |
Sarah Rhead |
Shi-Hsia Hwa |
Verity Hill |
Varese Italy | 45.8205989 | 8.8250576 | Barbara Bartolini
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