Sk Hassan

Co-Authors (41)

Co-Authors are people in Profiles who have published together.
This cluster graph shows the co-authors (green circles) and top co-authors of co-authors (blue circles) of Sk Hassan (red circle). The size of a circle is proportional to the number of publications that author has. The thickness of a line connecting two authors' names is proportional to the number of publications that they share. Options for customizing this network view are listed below the graph.
Martí MKitajima MDeguchi SFedeli UGyawali PSamavati LSpassiani IHedlund RGiri RSargent JYazdanpanah FTodorov GPalit PHessami ARokni MSarzaeim MShakerian NSamieefar NKelishadi RSafdarian AGholami BDelavari FKolahchi ZAbdul-Hafez ASmith LChellappan DSatija SVallamkondu JVeronese NMoazzami BAzevedo VSeyedpour SUddin LFoster JSaracino ASilva Andrade BReddy PAmawi HShahcheraghi SJahanshahlu LChand GHamblin MMojtabavi HSadeghmousavi SBasiri ASaleki KDunker ANowroozi ABriz-Redón ÁKanwugu OTantuoyir MAhanchian HNejadghaderi SMirbeyk MStockand JSebastiani GMcMillan PGhosh PDi Gennaro FDua KDarbeheshti FMomtazmanesh SYazdanpanah NJabbari PMoradian NHanaei SKalra RBrewer JLotfi MElrashdy FBarzon LMohamed KMishra AGomez Marti JGoh GSahu KLotze MSaghazadeh AKumar Azad GSoares AChoudhury PAzad GTuñón-Molina ABasu PSengupta AEl-Demerdash ADayhoff GPal Choudhury PPanda PBazan NRedwan EMishra YBarh DChauhan GLal ASoares ABaetas-da-Cruz WTakayama KPalù GPizzol DAzad GRezaei NAljabali AKandimalla RAdadi PSherchan SAbd El-Aziz TAttrish DGhosh SSerrano-Aroca ÁUhal BUversky VLundstrom KSeyran MTambuwala MJana SChoudhury PBrufsky ARoy BHassan S
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Hassan's Networks
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Concepts (66)
Co-Authors (41)
Similar People (60)