Online profiles of coronavirus experts
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Matthew Snape
Co-Authors (211)
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Co-Authors are people in Profiles who have published together.
Aboagye, Jeremy
Alderson, Jennifer
Aley, Parvinder
Andrews, Nick
Angus, Brian
Ariani, Cristina
Babbage, Gavin
Baillie, Vicky
Balicer, Ran
Barnabas, Shaun
Barrett, Jordan
Becker, Stephan
Belij-Rammerstorfer, Sandra
Bellamy, Duncan
Beral, Valerie
Berrie, Eleanor
Berry, Lisa
Bhorat, Qasim
Bibi, Sagida
Bittaye, Mustapha
Blane, Beth
Bonsall, David
Borrow, Ray
Briand, Sylvie
Briner, Carmen
Cameron, J
Carroll, Miles
Cathie, Katrina
Cavell, Breeze
Chappell, Harry
Charlton, Sue
Chelysheva, Irina
Cicconi, Paola
Clutterbuck, Elizabeth
Colin-Jones, Rachel
Collins, Andrea
Costa Clemens, Sue
Cox, Tony
Cramer, Jakob
Cutland, Clare
Darton, Thomas
Dheda, Keertan
Dinesh, Tanya
Dold, Christina
Douglas, Alexander
Duncan, Christopher
Edwards, Nick
Emary, Katherine
England, Anna
Esposito, Susanna
Ewer, Katie
Fairlie, Lee
Faust, Saul
Fedosyuk, Sofiya
Feng, Shuo
Feng, Shuo
Feng, Shuo
Ferreira, Daniela
Finn, Adam
Flaxman, Amy
Flaxman, Amy
Fleming, Thomas
Folegatti, Pedro
Fowler, Jamie
Fuskova, Michelle
Galiza, Eva
Gaspar, Rogerio
Gbesemete, Diane
Gilbert, Sarah
Gilbride, Ciaran
Golubchik, Tanya
Goodman, Anna
Gorringe, Andrew
Green, Catherine
Green, Christopher
Greenland, Melanie
Gruber, Marion
Halkerston, Rachel
Hallis, Bassam
Hay, Jodie
Heath, Paul
Henao-Restrepo, Ana-Maria
Heymann, David
Hill, Adrian
Hill, Catherine
Hill, Catherine
Hill, Helen
Hill, Helen
Hill, Jennifer
Hill, Jennifer
Hirsch, Ian
Hodgson, Susanne
Hou, Mimi
Izu, Alane
Jackson, Susan
Jenkin, Daniel
Joe, Carina
Kelly, Elizabeth
Kerridge, Simon
Khalil, Asma
Klenerman, Paul
Koen, Anthonet
Krause, Philip
Kwatra, Gaurav
Lambe, Teresa
Lawrie, Alison
Lazarus, Rajeka
Lelliott, Alice
Libri, Vincenzo
Lillie, Patrick
Linder, Aline
Liu, Xinxue
Long, Fei
Longini, Ira
Ludden, Catherine
Lwin, May
Madhavan, Meera
Madhi, Shabir
Makinson, Rebecca
Mallory, Raburn
Marchevsky, Natalie
Marshall, Richard
Martinón-Torres, Federico
McGregor, Alastair
Mellors, Jack
Mendes, Ana
Milan, Eveline
Minassian, Angela
Moore, Maria
Morrison, Hazel
Morter, Richard
Mujadidi, Yama
Mujadidi, Yama
Muñoz-Fontela, César
Munro, Alasdair
Nana, Anusha
Nguyen Van-Tam, Jonathan
Nguyen-Van-Tam, Jonathan
O'Reilly, Peter
Owens, Daniel
Pacurar, Mihaela
Padayachee, Sherman
Peto, Richard
Phillips, Daniel
Pittella, Ana
Plested, Emma
Plested, Emma
Pollard, Andrew
Pollock, Katrina
Poulton, Ian
Provine, Nicholas
Provstgaard-Morys, Samuel
Ramasamy, Maheshi
Ramasamy, Maheshi
Ramsay, Mary
Rand, Jade
Rawlinson, Thomas
Read, Robert
Rees, Helen
Rhead, Sarah
Ritchie, Adam
Robinson, Hannah
Rollier, Christine
Ropero, Alba-Maria
Ross-Russell, Amy
Ryan, Michael
Sadarangani, Manish
Saich, Stephen
Schwarzbold, Alexandre
Sharpe, Hannah
Shaw, Robert
Silk, Sarah
Singh, Jerome
Singh, Nisha
Smith, Andrew
Smith, Andrew
Smith, Andrew
Smith, Catherine
Song, Rinn
Sprinz, Eduardo
Stockdale, Lisa
Stuart, Arabella
Stuart, Arabella
Subbarao, Kanta
Sutherland, Rebecca
Swaminathan, Soumya
Tarrant, Richard
Taylor, Stephen
Themistocleous, Yrene
Thomas, Kelly
Thomson, Emma
Török, M
Toshner, Mark
Turner, David
Turner, Paul
Van Kerkhove, Maria
Vekemans, Johan
Verheul, Marije
Villafana, Tonya
Viner, Russell
Voysey, Merryn
Walker, Laura
Warren, Sarah
Watson, Marion
Weckx, Lily
White, Rachel
White, Thomas
Williams, Christopher
Williams, Christopher
Williams, Christopher
Wright, Daniel
Snape's Networks
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Concepts (161)
Derived automatically from this person's publications.
Respiratory Syncytial Virus Vaccines
Ebola Vaccines
Immunization, Secondary
Meningococcal Vaccines
Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infections
Co-Authors (211)
People in Profiles who have published with this person.
Pollard, Andrew
Voysey, Merryn
Viner, Russell
Finn, Adam
Ewer, Katie
Similar People (60)
People who share similar concepts with this person.
Ladhani, Shamez
Borrow, Ray
Pollard, Andrew
Madhi, Shabir
Stefanelli, Paola