Massimo Clementi

Co-Authors (225)

Co-Authors are people in Profiles who have published together.
This cluster graph shows the co-authors (green circles) and top co-authors of co-authors (blue circles) of Massimo Clementi (red circle). The size of a circle is proportional to the number of publications that author has. The thickness of a line connecting two authors' names is proportional to the number of publications that they share. Options for customizing this network view are listed below the graph.
Montorsi FInciardi RTomasoni DPisano ATurriziani OCai JGranucci FBenoit JCheng VBenedetti FTomelleri AYuan SBaiardo Redaelli MScquizzato TLavie CTargher GBovo CDella-Torre EBelletti AScandroglio ALau SHung IFominskiy EChu HCampochiaro CChan KRiccĂ² MWoo PCheng VOdone ACavalli GTo KChan JCabrini LSalvagno GMattiuzzi CSanchis-Gomar FFavaloro EHenry BBergna AGalli MCallegaro AMenzo SGasperina DMaggi FBurioni RTresoldi MPoli AGalli LDe Cobelli FRuggeri AHorvath AErasmus RRawlinson WKwon GAdeli KFerrari MNajjar OSingh KGramegna MPatru MMenezes MLeportier MKoch DMueller RGrimmler MWang CLoh TYuen KSethi SPiemonti LSampaolo MBanfi GSormani MPoli GScarpellini PMetra MTaliani GRomano Spica VVitali MConti MThompson SFilippini ALocatelli MBregni MRenzi SSkidmore MMycroft-West CNovelli LLazzarin ASevera MCoccia EDagna LZehender GRipa MTonelli MAmbrosi AMebazaa ADe Santis MSignorelli CBosi EScagnolari CDiotti RLippi GCastelli MLandoni GLai ABohn MFerrarese RAntonelli GRovere-Querini PSalonia AVicenzi ECiceri FZangrillo ACriscuolo EVitale MClementi NMancini NClementi M
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Clementi's Networks
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Concepts (339)
Co-Authors (225)
Similar People (60)